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  We give you the main reasons for choosing us. We put ourselves in your place. We tell you what we would like to find in a supplier of industrial management technology. Everything in what we are fighting for every day. The perfect supplier does not exist, but the attitude is the key to ensure success in our projects.  
  Your technology partner. This is our definition. Our company has redefined the concept of ERP technology. We have made stable, precised, closer, more efficient, more adaptable. And we speak your language. Nothing is magical and everything costs money, but somehow we will live up to your expectations as for management.  
  The meaning of efficiency is widely understood. We accomplish any meaning for sure. The control que own upon our technology and on you team work, gives us complete approach the one-key supplier service. Discover here why.  
  The International Certification on ISO is just a way to consider the capacity of a company. After more than 30 years in the industrial technology and management market, this recognition APM own is another proof of the well-done work. For now, and for the tomorrow. There is not final conclusion. We can only keep up with the fight to get better.  
  We eventually considered turning our ERP intro a vertical platform. Why? Garante more sales. The conclusion has ended up being always the same: It does not make any sense. In the end, what really matters is that we manufacture the technology and we know what having each company and sector with its specification means. The key? Versatiling tech.  
  Share inquiries and move forward on each project is vital. When thinking we are also practical. Customer feels the need to question why they wanta the things as they want. Which will be the consequences of each single deciison we take? Think to act. Acto to improve. A complexe project full of slight shades. In the end, the draw is pure and perfect.  
  APM centra la seva estrategia en el pla de marketing, per realizar events especials que ens ajudin a apropar-nos a tu. Propostes divulatives, gens comercials amb una finalitat basada en fer-nos conèixer als clients potencials del mercat. La nostra intenció és clara: som coneixedors del nostre del sector i ofici, i volem compartir aquest coneixement.  
  Tenint en compte l'entrada en vigència de la normativa europea GDPR sobre la protecció dels drets dels usuaris i el respecte a la privacitat, APM no vol estar-ne fora. Llegeix aquí la nostra política sobre la privacitat de la informació comercial dirigida als clients i als usuaris esmentats.  
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